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From the Pastor

Spiritual Garage
When I was a teenage I was given the job of cleaning and reorganizing our one-car garage. I was just about done when one of my (four) sisters came riding up and left her bike lying on the floor. So I picked it up and threw it into the yard. Which led to an argument. Which brought mom out. I made the mistake of mouthing off to mom and she came after me, so I took off running, Around the house. She couldn’t catch me and soon gave up and went inside. The phone was ringing and when mom answered it the man on the other end was old Mr. Russell who lived across the street from us. He asked her only one question: “Did you catch him?”
My relationship with Jesus has often been like that and I can almost hear the times God has asked, “Did you catch him?” For example, I was probably the last one to realize God was calling me into the ministry and we had many a go-around even after I came to that understanding. But His call to interim ministry was not like that at all. Once I understood what this type of ministry was all about I responded pretty quickly. And I feel pretty strongly that this is where He wants me to be and what He wants me to be doing.
One of the first things an Interim helps a congregation deal with is anxiety. When a pastor leaves a church the system known as a congregation gets anxious. Who will lead worship? Who will provide pastoral care? Who will teach confirmation? Anxiety over all the unknowns can very often lead to conflict. But just by showing up an Interim allows everyone to relax a bit and breathe. All of the “we’re glad you’re here” comments serve as evidence that anxiety levels have come down.
My next step is to become part of the Britton Lutheran Parish. So I’ll be plugging in wherever I can to get to know you, to see how you do things, and to begin fining my way. I’ll work with transition team to put together a process whereby we’ll explore together the history of this Parish. What are good memories and bad? What big events mark your history? Who were the pastors who served here and what do you remember about them? All of this helps all of us understand how God has used this aparish, gets any secrets out, and helps us begin wondering how God might be getting ready to use us going forward. Once we know that, we can proceed to actually talking to perspective candidates for the position of pastor.
The self-examination used to be the part that took the longest. Today, however, the actual search for a good and qualified pastor usually takes the lonest. There are just not enough pastors to go around and unless we are very fortunate the search will take some time. SO managing anxiety and being patient will need to be the tools exercised during this time.
I’m excited to be here and look forward to getting to know you and your way of life. Not sure I can say that about winter in SD, but we’ll see.
Blessings, PC

From the Pastor . . .May 2024

pastor & staff – Reverend Dr Terrill Sorenson

From the Pastor . . . .

And I am sure that he who began a good work in you will bring
it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
– Philippians 1:6

As you have no doubt heard, Pastor Sara and I are going to retire here at the beginning of June. We will be, if we ever get done packing and sorting, moving to Viborg, SD where we are refurbishing a house we moved into town.
First of all thank you. Thank you for the last 21 years and for all the blessings I have received from being your pastor. I should say individual thanks but I know I’d leave someone out. But thank you for all the help you have given in making our parish into a place to hear God’s Word and serve his mission. (I started describing it all but stopped. There is no way I could adequately name everything and everyone, know that all you have done is appreciated.) Thank you also for the kindness you have shown to me and our family. No pastor has been better treated,
Then a reminder: Please don’t forget that you are a strong parish with a wonderful Sunday School and an unusually strong youth program. You are blessed with great music, office staff, and great leadership in each of the congregations and as a parish. You have made brave and bold decisions, as when you left one national church body for another for the sake of God’s Word. You have a great deal going for you and that isn’t because of me. It’s because of you. Keep it going.
Then, most of all, remember this: What makes this parish the blessing it isn’t what you or I or any of us have done. It is the Word of the living God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ who died for us and rose again. We are because he is. Always remember that and know that he will keep you through all the changes ahead.
Finally, I will miss you, even as I miss so many people I grew to know and love here who have passed from this life. Sara and I always said we should have taken pictures of the congregation at the first worship services to remind us of how many we have commended to God’s care. But the thing for all of us to remember is that our Lord Jesus has prepared for us a new day, and we all meet again. Until then,

Thanks for everything and God bless!
See you later!

Pastor Terrill

JAWS Bytes: January 2024

December 6 our youth group JAWS held their annual Christmas gathering. We started off caroling at Wheatcrest and Spruce Court and had a great time bringing a little Christmas cheer to the residents. Then we returned to the church where we enjoyed a yummy lasagna supper provided by Pastor Sara. Thanks to her for doing this for us year after year.

We spent some time hearing the good news of Christ’s birth and ended the evening playing the goofy Christmas gift exchange game.

Coming up for JAWS in January:

January 10, 6:30pm at First Regular JAWS Meeting
January 28, 10:00am JAWS serve brunch for Annual Meeting at First

We thank God for all his blessings this last year and ask his hand to guide us in this new year.

Women of First: Update

Thank you to everyone who supported the Women of First Thankful Thursday Take-out Lunch!

We could not have asked for better weather, and the crowd was awesome! We sold out of almost everything, with just a few chicken salad sandwiches left. Thank you also to the women who spent hours planning and preparing and to those who worked the day of the lunch. Thank you also to Gail for taking our phone orders. I would also like to thank the women who donated food and money to make this year’s event a success.

As I write this, we have not had our lefse sale and raffle yet, but I would like to say thank you to the women who worked during our two lefse work days. It is getting harder to find people who are familiar with making lefse, and this year we had two new people step up and help even though they had no experience. So, when next year rolls around, if you are interested in learning more about lefse, feel free to join us!

More thanks to everyone who donated items for our raffle. We have some great items on our raffle this year. Next month I will report on who the lucky winners were with a list of the donors. We finished up the month by decorating the fellowship hall. The Christmas tree is lit, and the wreaths are hung. Thank you to Anita, Steve, and Brian for donating your time.

As always, if you are interested in serving a more active role in the Women of First, please give me a call.

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2024!

Kim Peters
Women of First Coordinator