The First Lutheran Church Choir meets every Sunday during the school year, except the fourth Sunday of the month.

The Choir is few, but mighty. Every Sunday during the school year, except the fourth Sunday of the month, the choir meets at 8:00 am to learn the music for the service of that day. Being in choir doesn’t mean you can’t miss a Sunday. All of us miss a Sunday or two. Nearly half of the choir members do not read music, but everyone in the choir is there because they love to sing.

The choir sings a variety of styles, always trying to keep with the topic of the gospel and sermon.

The chosen music is not complicated. It is meaningful to the congregation as well as the choir.

If you have ever considered joining the choir, please do. There is always room for more voices! The members are warm and friendly and love to laugh.

God loves a cheerful giver and in our case a cheerful singer!


The Schulmerich Handbells were donated to First Lutheran by Irl Hicks.

The Handbell Choir performs occasionally throughout the year.

Although they are not used often, when played they add a lovely sound.