Pleasant Valley Lutheran Church was started by a small group of early settlers arriving from Chippewa County, MN in 1882. In June of 1884 Rev. K.O. Storlie of Wilmot encouraged the settlers to form a congregation. Services were held in the Klefstad school house and the Lindsey school which was later moved and known as the Haverly School. In 1904 Jacob Hanson donated an acre of land on which to build the church and the cornerstone was laid in October 1904. Later the Ladies Aid purchased the second acre of land, and a fence was erected around the property.
In 1926 a parsonage was bought in Kidder and a pastor resided there for 10 years. In the fall of 1927, a basement was completed, and evergreens were planted by Rev. M. Lein around the perimeter of the property. Stained glass windows were added in 1948. In the 1950’s a nursery, furnace room, sacristy and plumbing were added. In the 60’s there was
a remodel of the kitchen and addition of the balcony and entry. A telephone, new “used pews”, and an indoor restroom were installed in the 70’s along with a new water system. We have continued making changes and improvements in the church up to this day.The Norwegian language was used exclusively until 1921 when there were 4 English services a year. In 1938 church services were done entirely in English and Norwegian
was no longer used.
Pleasant Valley Church has a relaxed country feel with an attached cemetery. We continue to have weekly services and an active women’s group, brotherhood, youth group, and Sunday School.

Pleasant Valley Church has a relaxed country feel with an attached cemetery. We continue to have weekly services and an active women’s group, brotherhood, youth group, and Sunday School.